Be the best possible fundraiser
Training that will help make you the most efficient user
Training Opportunities
Even though we strongly suggest at least two- 3 hr sessions, you quite possibly might already have the capabilities of learning our product on your own. If this sounds like you, we have numerous amounts of how-to and training videos on our Hub page that will help guide you through the process of achieving experience on your own time. We also offer monthly webinars that may pertain to an area of Sustain that you aren't as familiar with or you just want a better knowledge of how things work.
Other Options
You may be asking yourself if training is right for you?
Whether you're experienced or a first time user, being able to utilize Sustain to its maximum potential can act as a vital tool in boosting you organizations fundraising efforts.
Training not only creates a unification between you and your system but a path and bond between your current and future donors.
It is never too early or too late for training. We suggest continuous training throughout your experience with Sustain to keep you well informed and your organization operating at its peak performance. Results show that people who utilized the opportunity to train with Sustain, raised more money, saved valuable time and increased productivity within the workplace.
Your database of information will only strengthen when everyone is able to use the program.
Web_Based Training
Web-based training is one of the most common and effective training methods used. Upon requesting online training a Sustain professional will connect with your system via the web using At this point you and a Sustain professional will begin a extensive training session.
Two- 3 hour session to address the basics of Sustain and reports.
We recommend you budget for one - 3-hour session within 6 months.
On-Site Training
At your location with your data, this is a two-day session that consists of a combination of training and consultation. Customized to meet your needs. There is no formal limit on the number of persons who can be trained on-site. We recommend you budget for a 2-day follow-up within 6 months of you first class.